Gifts of Securities
Gifts of long-term appreciated securities such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds may save parishioners more taxes than gifting just cash and offer an easy way to make a meaningful gift to Saint E's Rose Fund.
To make a gift of securities, please contact Dan McHugh, Business Manager, at [email protected] or 201.891.1122 Ext. 202 to request electronic transfer (DTC) instructions for the securities you wish to donate to Saint Elizabeth’s.
Stocks & Other Securities: Things to Remember
To take full advantage of the tax benefits for gift securities you have owned for longer than one year, do not sell appreciated stock before making your donation. Instead, transfer directly to Saint Elizabeth's Church for the Saint E's Rose Fund. If you wish to donate depreciated securities, sell the asset first and contribute cash.
PLEASE NOTE: The information provided above is for informational purposes only. This information does not serve as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please consult with your CPA, Financial Advisor, and/or Attorney for professional guidance.